Southeast corner of the Chase Center

Where to Stay For an Event
at San Francisco's Chase Center


Chase Center is the first arena of its kind in San Francisco. 这座最先进的场馆不仅是五届NBA总冠军金州勇士队的主场, but is also an incredible entertainment center. There have been performances by Metallica, Janet Jackson, Elton John and many other legendary talents. 如果你要在这里过夜,我们会照顾你的. 


    Where to Stay

    如果你想住在大通中心的步行距离内,这些酒店在 SoMa neighborhood will be your best bet.

    Canopy by Hilton San Francisco SoMa

    250 Fourth St.

    这家酒店为游客提供便利,就在繁华的第四街走廊上. 公共交通近在咫尺,令人惊叹的景点仅几步之遥. Canopy by Hilton San Francisco SoMa有三种现场用餐选择:豆子酒吧, perfect for a caffeinated pick-me-up; the Social, a glowing, Art Deco-inspired bar; and Shelby's Place, 供应小盘子和大盘子的屋顶餐馆, as well as refreshing cocktails.

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    The Clancy

    299 Second St.

    Freshly renovated and dramatically upgraded, 克兰西酒店是万豪Autograph系列独家精品酒店的一部分. Close to fine dining, public transit, and the Chase Center, 在大型活动期间,克兰西可能是保守得最好的住宿地点.

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    Hotel VIA

    138 King St.

    Less than a mile from Chase Center, VIA酒店是一家位于地铁附近的精品酒店, the Embarcadero, and the CalTrain Station. 客人可以在他们的屋顶酒吧放松,提供贝博体彩app的壮丽景色.

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    Hyatt Place San Francisco Downtown Embarcadero

    701 Third St.

    贝博体彩app市中心Embarcadero的凯悦酒店简直是壮观. 它靠近贝博体彩app一些最受欢迎的地标. 客人将在SoMa的最好的餐馆和夜生活的中间.

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    Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA

    50 Third Street

    Following a landmark, 7000多万美元的重新构想,包括增加一个最先进的健康和健身中心, 贝博体彩app市中心SOMA的凯悦酒店提供精致的内饰,补充了36层楼的全景. 这家新酒店正是老练的旅行者所期望的:感觉精致,但也令人兴奋, cosmopolitan and energized. 

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    InterContinental San Francisco

    888 Howard St.

    洲际酒店当然是一个高级的住宿场所. 除了豪华的住宿外,洲际酒店还设有室内客房 Michelin-starred 餐厅,卢斯,提供一个现代化的六道菜的品尝菜单. 酒店还拥有一个美丽的水疗中心和设备齐全的健身中心. 

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    LUMA Hotel

    100 Channel St.

    LUMA Hotel San Francisco 该酒店于2022年6月开业,是距离大通中心(Chase Center)最近的酒店(步行不到10分钟),毗邻中央地铁Mission Rock站, 你可以在哪里上车并快速乘车去联合广场和唐人街. LUMA为其精心设计的现代客房带来了活力, public spaces, and illuminated exterior. LUMA的屋顶休息室Cavana已经成为贝博体彩app当地最受欢迎的场所之一.  

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    San Francisco Marriott Marquis

    780 Mission St.

    贝博体彩app万豪侯爵酒店的后现代立面, a puzzle of glass and colorful jutting panels, 与附近的其他高层建筑形成鲜明对比. 享受一个全方位服务的健身中心和免费早餐与您的住宿. Head all the way up to The View Lounge to sit, enjoy a drink, 通过标志性的拱形窗户欣赏风景.

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    The St. Regis

    125 Third St.

    Located in the heart of downtown, The St. 瑞吉斯离美丽的芳草地花园只有几步之遥. The St. Regis offers five-star experiences, timeless elegance, and close proximity to premier museums, restaurants, and more.

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    W San Francisco

    181 Third St.

    W是一个方便的地方留在事件在大通中心. 这里也是您延长逗留时间和游览贝博体彩app其他主要景点的理想之地. The hotel is around the corner from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 距离联合广场(Union Square)的豪华购物和美食餐厅仅几步之遥.

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    Chase Center

    Car out in front of Victorians


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